Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Association
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Current Students
If you are currently enrolled as a graduate student in Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University, you are already a member of ChEGSA! If you would like to be added to our email list, please email us at events@chesga.tamu.edu
ChEGSA Mentorship Program for Graduate Students
The purpose of the program is to provide an avenue for new students to seek advice about the department, transitioning to graduate school, and moving to College Station, along with building friendships. Mentees would be 1st or 2nd-year students and mentors would 2nd year or above. The time commitment would be once or twice a month meeting up for coffee or a meal. It’s a chance to meet new people, learn about new cultures, and different areas of research.
For any questions email chegsa@chegsa.tamu.edu
FREE Ergonomics Equipment for Graduate Students
ChEGSA has purchased some ergonomic equipment to be used by the Ph.D. and Masters students in this department. The equipment will be available on a first come first serve basis. The equipment you will check-out will be recorded and MUST be returned to the department upon graduation. If you want to check out the equipment please fill out the Equipment Checkout Form and email it to chegsa@chegsa.tamu.edu
Graduate Student Handbook
The department provides a graduate student handbook which outlines the graduate student programs in the chemical engineering department.
Office of Graduate and Professional Studies (OGAPS)
OGAPS is the office responsible for monitoring your degree progress and making sure you achieve all requirements to graduate. More information about OGAPS and the services it provides can be found at this link.
Links to Other Student Organizations
These are other organizations with which ChEGSA works, and with which you may be interested in joining or working with as a chemical engineer.
Scholarships and Other Financial Aid
Many scholarships are available to graduate students through this link.
Additionally, there is a travel award offered through OGAPS and GPSC to support students traveling domestically to present research done at Texas A&M University. More information is available at OGAPS and GPSC.